What is Com.Google.Android.Deskclock

Some background applications always stay active in the background to assist the device to function properly. Some of those applications are built-in or developed by Google.“com.google.android.deskclock” is one of those background applications that most of the users are not popular with.

After reading this article, you are going to be familiar with the “com.google.android.deskclock” app. Moreover, we are going to inform you what to do to fix any error related to com.android.deskclock. Let me inform you about it.

What is com.google.android.deskclock?

Com.google.android.deskclock is a clock application developed by Google LLC. It’s available for free in the Google Play Store.

You can use this application in any type of Android device including Google Pixel, Samsung, Oppo, Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, and OnePlus Mobile Phones.

How to Get Google Clock On Android?

To get Google Clock on your Android device, you need to follow the below process.

  1. Open Google’s “Play Store”
  2. Search “Google Clock”
  3. Touch on “Install”
  4. Open The App After Installation

That will open the Google Clock app on your Android device. You can set an alarm, set a timer, and access a stopwatch from this single app. Also, you can change the interface of the clock.

How To Enable Google Android Desk Clock Widget On Any Android?

It’s an interesting feature of Google Clock to get the animated clock widget on the home screen. Thankfully, you can enable this on any Android device even if your device isn’t running Android 12. Here is the process to do that.

Step 1: Install Google Clock

Go to the Play Store, search “Google Clock” and install the Clock app.

Step 2: Tap On The HomeScreen

Close the “Play Store” and return to the home screen. Tap and hold on to an empty area on the home screen.

Step 3: Choose Widgets

Touch On the “Widgets” option from the below of your screen. Then, choose the “Clock” widgets from the list.

Step 4: Select “Analog” or “Digital”

After that, press on “Analog”, or “Digital” based on your preference. Select your favorite interface from the list.

Step 5: Adjust The Position

It will add the clock widget to your home screen. Touch on the Clock widgets to adjust the position.

That’s it. In that method, you can enable the Google Android desk clock widget on any Android. If you can’t place the widget on your home screen, there might not be sufficient space for the widget.

In that case, you need to try to place it on an empty home screen that doesn’t have too many application icons.

How To Uninstall Com.Google.Android.Deskclock?

For some reason, you may not want to keep the Google Clock app on your Android device. In that case, you can uninstall the application.

  1. Go to the application settings and open the installed application from the settings.
  2. From there, you need to tap on the “Clock”. You will get two options: “Force Stop” and “Uninstall”.
  3. Simply touch on the uninstall option and confirm the action.

It will remove the com.google.android.deskclock application from your device. Do you want to stop this application for a while? In that case, you can choose the “Force Stop” option. It will stop the application from running in the background for a while.

How to fix com.android.deskclock app error?

Sometimes, you may get some error notification related to “Com.Google.Android.Deskclock”. In that case, you need to follow the below tips to fix com.android.deskclock app error.

1. Reboot Your Device: The first thing you can try is to reboot your device.

2. Enable Auto Time Update: Open the Clock settings and choose Auto Update Times from the settings.

3. Update Clock Application: If the application is outdated, install the latest version of the application.

4. Update Android System Web View: Go to the Play Store and update Android System Web View.

Final Thoughts

At this point, you have got a comprehensive knowledge of “com.google.android.deskclock”. You have learned what it is, how to install it, remove it, and fix common errors. From now on, you don’t have to deal with any errors related to Google Clock.

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What Clock app comes with Android?

Most Android devices come with the Google Clock App that is developed by Google LLC. You can access it from the menu.

How do I check my Android Clock?

You can check your Android clock by simply looking at the status bar. To adjust the time, go to the “Time & Date” settings on your device.

What is the Google Clock app called?

The Google Clock app is called simply “Clock”. You can get it from the Play Store.

Is there any way to hide the clock on the Android lock screen?

Yes, you need to go to the “Lock Screen Settings” to hide the clock on the lock screen.


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Last Updated: September 20, 2023

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