Android Future and Trends

Written by Biajid

Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties relate...

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

If you are a developer or programmer, you must get familiar with the android future and trends. Or if you own a startup and business, you should know the ins and outs of the growing scenario of Android. It will help you to utilize the latest technology and trend that Android is to and will offer.

Android is improving its trend needs in quick technology and AI, and blockchain mainly. Also to lead the future market constantly, they will launch features as described below.

What Is the Future and Trends of Android in the Near Future?

Android shares compatibility with a wider range of devices and platforms. As a result, it is always on the go to stay updated with the needs and preferences of different customers and vendors.

You will get a clear picture once you go through the development trends listed below –

1. Blockchain Technology Trend 

Businesses lean towards blockchain technology to achieve secure and transparent transactions between stakeholders. And according to Gartner, this trend will help achieve $3.1 trillion in all business fields by 2030. 

Android Future and Trends

This is why for sharing digital assets, Android is improving its technology to develop decentralized apps based on blockchain. It will allow different owners and companies to develop secure data transfer and transaction platforms. 

2. Mobile Wallets and On-Demand Apps

People and organizations prefer digital currency or payment as it is more convenient and fast. Therefore, Google Wallet is on the rise. Considering that, Android is developing mobile wallets to drive more sales. 

Android Future and Trends

Also, location-based apps provide preferred services in the locality. So, Google is working on launching more on-demand apps in the future. 

3. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Reports say the Google team is developing an AI-based app to improve the Android user experience. It will aid in competing with the competitors that have Siri and Alexa to suggest users with personalized services. 

Android Future and Trends

Many business sectors rely on Android AI to perform repetitive tasks such as fraud identification, auto-translation, etc. Therefore, Android is analyzing its machine learning and AI to stay ahead of the trend.

4. IoT

IoT or Internet of Things-based apps are the growing trends. Because to perform the repetitive or enabled duties in the logistics, e-commerce, and health sectors, internet-based apps are a must. 

And IoT increases their productivity. This goes without saying, Google, therefore, incorporates IoT in all stages of Android development. 

5. Chatbots 

As the world is going digital, most B2B business is based online and offline. And to respond to customer queries faster online, there is no alternative to chatbots.

So, they tend to work with platforms that let them develop easy–to–use customer support bots. Keeping that in mind, Android is launching more and more chatbot features to stay reliable in the growing market. 

6. Cross Platform Development 

Android offers cross-platform development so that developers can easily integrate future trends in their apps. And it lets the businesses and stakeholders select the technology that is most relevant.  For more trends update, visit here:

Why Should You Choose Android to Keep Up with the Trends?

There are many open and closed-source operating systems. So, you can get confused about which one to choose to get the most benefits in the future. And here is why you should consider Android:

  • Android allows developers or programmers to utilize the already existing Android services to create engaging projects.
  • Building trend-specific apps on the Android platform is cost-efficient. 
  • Android development is high-demanding, as 71.95% share is held by Android worldwide. 


From reports and StatCounters statistics, it is quite evident that Android’s future and trends are sales-favorable. Because according to reports, by 2030, smartphone subscriptions will reach 6.3 billion.

And it will open new opportunities for Android as most of the smartphone vendors are Android-based globally. So, in my suggestion, if you want to stay aligned with the tech trends and market, feel free to choose Android.


Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties related to Android phones and operating systems. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in resolving complex issues and have become a seasoned expert in the field. I'm delighted to have you on my website, and I'm confident that the resources and solutions provided here will prove to be valuable to you

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

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