Android Vs. iOS: Which Is Better?

Written by Biajid

Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties relate...

   Review by Android Sparks

Hi there, I'm androidsparks, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties...


Last Updated: May 20, 2023

In the industry of smartphones and tech, android has earned extensive fame for being quite available, customizable, and easy to use. Besides, iOS is dominating the whole marketplace with its classic features and outstanding security. That is the reason why it is tough to decide which is better: Android vs. iOS

Indeed, android has been producing tons of different models these days, while iOS features limited choices with unique facilities. Their security level is also top-notch. Let me disclose some of the common differences in today’s write-up!

Android vs iOS: Quick Comparison Chart

In case you are in a rush and want to get a quick view of their differences, have a look at the given chart:

InventorMultiple (mostly Google)Apple Inc.
UsabilityRelatively easyTougher than Androids
Price RangeCheap to expensiveMostly expensive

Android vs iOS: Detailed Comparison

Without getting into the discussion, you cannot differentiate Android and IOS devices extensively, especially if you do not have much idea about these. So let me disclose the most common differences right here:

1. Difference in Features

Let’s start with the feature! Android includes tons of exclusive specs, from a customizable home screen to split-screen facilities. You can also enjoy some wonderful themes using the Android device, which are customizable too!

Talking about the IOS, iMessage, on-screen fingerprint, and AirDrop are considered some of the striking and most noticeable features. The AirDrop utilizes Bluetooth for sharing pictures, links, and videos from one device to another. 

Android Vs. iOS: Which Is Better

2. Model Differences

Android means there is a heap of collections to choose from, especially when it comes to smartphones. Samsung, Xiaomi, Google, HTC, Blackberry, and many more brands have been dominating the market for quite a long with their exclusive features and unique models.

Android Vs. iOS: Which Is Better

On the other side, IOS smartphones have a very limited model you can buy, from iPhone 1st generation to 14 pro max. And these are mostly available on the official “Apple Store” of each country and region.

Here is a video on the evolution of iPhone models:

3. Level of Security

Hands down, IOS is known to be the most secure operating system in every state of the world! From the iCloud facility to the tougher screening method of App stores, everything has been organized in the most secure way possible!

But being too secure, iOS is not friendly with the majority of third-party applications.

Android, on the other hand, is a step backward in terms of the level of security. That’s why many expert cybercriminals can easily target an Android smartphone through hacking.

But guess what? Using third-party apps can add an extra level of security to your Android device.

4. Usability

In terms of ease, there is no doubt that the Android operating system wins the deal! For being open-source, android tends to provide more customization and freedom options compared to the iPhone. 

Whereas, some apps and software of the IOS operating system are relatively hard to operate, especially for those who are pretty new to it!

5. Cost

Since Android devices are available in a lot of different brands and models, you can get the chance to buy the one that matches your budget most. Because android offers cheap-to-costly smartphones and other devices to suit everyone’s requirements.

On the flip side, iOS has always been a high-end choice, for which you often need to spend a fortune to enjoy its upgraded models.

Android Vs. iOS: Which Is Better


Android vs iOS is an old debate among tech enthusiasts, as each of them has its own limitations, characteristics, pros, and cons. So considering your preferences and needs, you better do some market analysis to find your ultimate match.

I’d recommend you pick two models from iOS and Android for the comparison, and then differentiate them accordingly. Thus, it will be easier for you to know which meets your requirements most in terms of features, specs, price, and so on!


Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties related to Android phones and operating systems. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in resolving complex issues and have become a seasoned expert in the field. I'm delighted to have you on my website, and I'm confident that the resources and solutions provided here will prove to be valuable to you

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

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