What Is CarmodeStub App?

Written by Biajid

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

Many people are unfamiliar with stub apps and enquire what is the CarmodeStub app?

CarmodeStub comes preloaded on most Android handsets. It belongs to MirrorLink. Your smartphone becomes a vehicle-safe gadget with this. The application ensures that the phone is virtually turned off while you’re driving, which is its best feature. Even though your phone is active, you won’t receive any texts or calls till the vehicle is turned off. Callers will receive a message informing them that you’re driving and asking them to call back when you get there.

You must maintain complete focus when driving cue to the numerous hazards on the road for safety. So, let’s explore the specifics in more detail!

What Is CarmodeStub App?

Stub apps are little programs that provide information access for more extensive programs.People, therefore, presume it is ineffective because it only works in the background. But it isn’t the case. There is an established system application called CarmodeStub App on Samsung Android handsets. MirrorLink technology makes it possible to reflect the smartphone display to the vehicle display. Additionally, it enables you to use Google Maps to travel to a location.

What Is CarmodeStub App

You have the option to turn off your phone if you’re driving. You will get texts or calls once the automobile has come to a complete stop, whereas the app is running in the background.

Moreover, it is beneficial to answer and decline cell calls as well as start and pause audio on the vehicle’s screen without touching it. It resembles a stub app. Stub programs typically mimic the actions of software parts. Information is accessed through major apps.

A recorder will answer any calls you take while you are driving. It informs the speaker that you are currently driving and will return their call as soon as you stop.

Is CarmodeStub App Safe?

CarmodeStub is an internal app. Internal apps are typically not regarded as having malware. You may see this program in your installed programs and know how it functions.

There might be some problems with the CarmodeStub regarding messages and battery usage. However, you may relax because it won’t harm your devices.

It is safe because the software is free of viruses, spyware, and bloatware. But, if you notice any apps running in the background, you could assume they are bloatware or malicious software.

What Is CarmodeStub App

KLMS Agent and RoseEUkor are two examples of the default bloatware on Android handsets. CarmodeStub, on the other hand, is an exception. As a result, the app won’t damage your smartphone.

Additionally, it utilizes very little memory space. Thus, the gadget will never slow down. As a result, there is no possibility of lagging.

How To Uninstall CarmodeStub App

You cannot remove or delete the default application the way you would delete a third-party program because it is preset. You must use ADB or the System App Remover program to deactivate or remove the application.

What Is CarmodeStub App

If you’re confident you would like to delete the program, follow the methods listed below.

Using ADB

Programmers frequently employ a function software tool ADB (Android debug bridge) to interact with Android devices. If you are not technically knowledgeable, you may remotely disable or delete the CarmodeStub by following these steps.

Step 1: Go to System. Then click About Phone under Settings.

Step 2: Press the Build Number 7–10 times to enable Developer Options.

Step 3: To reach Developer Options, choose Settings from the menu bar and touch it.

Step 4: To begin the process, select USB debugging. Then, go to a website to download ADB for the computer.

Step 5: Create a folder after extracting the downloaded zip file.

Step 6: Double-click on an empty space after repeatedly pressing and holding the shift key.

Step 7: When the notice “Open PowerShell window here” shows, click it and type “ADB devices” into the command line.

Step 8: Attach the device to the computer with a cord.

Step 9: To remove the app, input the command line “ADB shell pm uninstall -user 0 com.Samsung.android.drivelink.stub,” hit Enter, and then wait for the action to finish.

Using Third-Party App

You may remove or delete default programs using a variety of third-party applications. It’s essential to keep in mind that the programs require root access to your smartphone.

Consequently, rooting a smartphone will terminate the guarantee on that particular device. Make sure you only do this if you are confident. Follow the below steps:

Step 1: Download the System App Remover program from your internet.

Step 2: Now launch the program

Step 3: Enter “CarmodeStub” in the search field. When you’ve found it, click on it to choose it.

Step 4: To delete the stub program, choose ‘uninstall.’

Benefits Of CarmodeStub App

CarmodeStub is one of the essential apps for road safety. It doesn’t require high-risk permits and is secure to use. Check out the advantages of this app below:

Cost Free

Your mobile comes with the CarmodeStub app for no charge. It won’t consume a lot of your data. Most customers’ data consumption is measured in kilobytes, which are barely perceptible on your account. It doesn’t consume a lot of battery power. This makes the app a giver rather than a taker.


Road Safety

It greatly aids in enhancing road safety. The phone and text-barring options on CarmodeStub are helpful since they provide a setting where a motorist can focus on driving. As a result, there will be fewer traffic collisions.

Supports 32 Bit Device

The software works with 32-bit gadgets. The prototype typically employs a 32-bit arch CPU. Therefore, a 64-bit system is also supported.

No Security Threat

The usage of this app is risk-free, and your computer or system is not in danger. Several believe it to be malware. But it would be best if you stayed away from this false information. CarmodeStub’s battery usage may worry you but rest assured that this software protects your data and privacy.


You can use this app to see your current journey on Google Maps. The location of the car’s screen allows the driver to use it without lifting their focus off the road. You may also use it to make hands-free calls and watch YouTube videos.

Safe Removing App

CarmodeStub can be uninstalled without impairing the functionality of your phone. Before uninstalling an app completely, it is advised first to deactivate it to observe how your smartphone will respond to its removal.

CarmodeStub operates as a part of MirrorLink to block calls and text messages when you’re traveling. Although it may seem tempting, you shouldn’t delete the program.


Most Android handsets now have a function called CarmodeStub. It is a security feature that you can use while driving. To ensure that you maintain your attention on the road during driving, this software will restrict all arriving texts and calls from your smartphone.

Hopefully, we could explain in detail what the CarmodeStub app is. You won’t be able to link your smartphone to your vehicle’s screen if you uninstall CarmodeStub. However, this application is only accessible if your automobile is Mirrorlink-compatible.


Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties related to Android phones and operating systems. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in resolving complex issues and have become a seasoned expert in the field. I'm delighted to have you on my website, and I'm confident that the resources and solutions provided here will prove to be valuable to you

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

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