Should I Get An Antivirus For My Android Phone?

Do you know that Android has more users than Windows? With its increasing popularity there is always a higher chance of malicious attacks. You may know that Android runs through open-source code. Does it make Android vulnerable to malicious attacks?  

Through this article, we are going to reveal the answer. Within a while, you will get the answer “Should I get an antivirus for my Android phone?”. Also, we are going to provide you some helpful tips to protect your Android device from viruses and other security threats. Let’s begin.

Does Your Android Smartphone Need An Antivirus App?

“Google Play” protects Android devices from malicious attacks, viruses, and other security threats. This built-in security feature is sufficient enough to provide an Android device. So, an antivirus app is not compulsory for Android devices to stay safe from viruses.

Also, Android mobile brands provide regular security updates to their users. If you keep your device up to date with those security updates, you don’t need any additional Antivirus applications on your mobile. When you are using an old Android device that doesn’t receive security updates anymore, you can consider using an antivirus on your Android device.  

Do Android Phones Need Internet Security Apps?

Should I Get An Antivirus For My Android Phone

At this stage, you might be still wondering if you should use an internet security app for your Android device. Well, “Google Play Protects” not only protects your device from potential malicious attacks but also it keeps the device safe while browsing the internet.

Besides, the Google Chrome browser has its own built-in security protection features. When you try to log in to a threatening website that can harm your device, Google Chrome will warn you with floating notifications. So, you don’t need any other 3rd party internet security apps. At this stage, you should get your answer on whether you should use an Antivirus for your Android phone or not. But the question is can Android phones get viruses and is Android antivirus applications useless? You will find the answer in the below section.

Does Android Phone Get Viruses?

As Android runs through open code, there are chances of getting affected by viruses. Most Android devices’ viruses track the device’s user activity and steal personal information. That personal information includes passwords, financial information, and media files. You should not download applications or files from suspicious websites. Also, you should not provide your confidential information to any suspicious websites.

Are Android Antivirus Applications Useless?

Though Android Antivirus applications are not mandatory, we can’t declare them useless. In some cases, having an Antivirus application can save your device from malicious virus attacks. Here are some scenarios when Antivirus applications are useful.

When Should You Enable Antivirus on Your Android Smartphone?

Should I Get An Antivirus For My Android Phone

1. New Device Setup

When you are going to set up a new Android Smartphone, it will be the ideal time to enable antivirus protection. Before you start transferring data, activating antivirus software can help ensure that your device will be safe from viruses. You can easily identify and eliminate any potential threats.

2. Downloading Apps from Third-Party Sources

Google Play Store is the safest source for downloading Android apps. Some users prefer exploring alternative app stores or downloading apps directly from websites. In that case, you should enable antivirus protection. Antivirus software will warn you about any harmful apps.

3. Online Transactions

Do you frequently use your Android Smartphone for online transactions? Well, you should get an Antivirus to add extra security to your device. Antivirus software acts as an extra layer of protection by scanning websites for malware, phishing attempts, or any other suspicious activities.

4. Receiving Files from External Sources

We often receive files from external sources. Hackers can send you harmful files in the form of documents, images, or videos from various sources. These files may unknowingly contain malicious elements. You can automatically scan incoming files for potential threats by enabling antivirus protection.

5. Suspicious System Behavior

Have you noticed unusual system behavior on your Android smartphone? For example, you may notice things such as sudden slow performance, quick battery drain, or excessive data usage. It indicates a potential security threat. Malicious apps could be running in the background. In such cases, enabling antivirus protection can help you to identify the issue.

So, Antivirus applications are useful to have in some specific cases. On that note, you should choose a quality anti-virus application to get proper protection. Plenty of antivirus applications are available online. Which one to choose to get proper protection? Here’s the list for you.

Top 3 Antivirus Applications For Android Phone

1. Avast Antivirus

Avast Antivirus is more popular for Windows devices for enhanced protection against malware. Their Android app also works excellently. You will get robust protection against phishing attempts, malware, and spyware. Avast scans your files, apps, and websites you visit in real-time.

Should I Get An Antivirus For My Android Phone

You will get instant warnings if there is something wrong. If you are looking for a reliable antivirus application for your Android device, you can choose it without any hesitation.

2. Bitdefender Mobile Security

Are you looking for comprehensive protection for your Android device? Bitdefender Mobile Security will provide all-in-one protection. It comes with a powerful malware detection engine. It scans files and apps to ensure that your device remains free from any malicious software. It also has an anti-theft module feature.

It allows you to remotely lock, wipe, and locate your device in case it gets stolen. Besides, this all-in-one antivirus offers secure web browsing to prevent phishing attacks.

3. Norton Mobile Security

When it comes to the top Antivirus Applications for Android phones, Norton Mobile Security deserves a place to be there. It comes with all the features that you expect from an Antivirus application. You will get comprehensive protection against any type of cyber threat. It will be effectively safeguarding your personal data.

This application automatically checks for malicious apps and ensures that your device is secure. It also offers a privacy advisor that helps you identify apps that might be accessing your personal information.

Final Thoughts

Do you still have any queries on “Should I get an antivirus for my Android Phone?”. Feel free to let us know in the comment box. If you are not using any third-party software or web browser, Google Play will be sufficient enough to protect your device.


Is it important to use an Antivirus application for an Android phone?

You should enable default security protection provided by Google Play Protects. You don’t have to use any other third-party applications.

Which is the best antivirus application for Android?

You can choose from any of Avast, Norton, and Bitdefender Mobile Security.

Does antivirus slow down Android Smartphone?

Authentic Antivirus applications do not slow down Android Smartphone.


Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties related to Android phones and operating systems. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in resolving complex issues and have become a seasoned expert in the field. I'm delighted to have you on my website, and I'm confident that the resources and solutions provided here will prove to be valuable to you

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Last Updated: August 3, 2023

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