How to Remove Android from HP Touchpad?

Are you tired of using Android on your HP TouchPad and ready to switch back to the original webOS operating system? No problem! This guide will make the process a breeze.

The HP TouchPad is a popular tablet that originally came with the webOS operating system. This sleek and intuitive operating system was originally designed for the HP TouchPad and offered a unique and enjoyable user experience. With the Synergy feature that integrates all your contacts and calendar information in one place, webOS makes managing your daily life simple and easy.

However, some users may have opted to install Android on their devices. If you’re looking to return to using webOS and remove Android, continue reading this article on How to remove Android from HP touchpad.

How to Remove Android from the HP Touchpad?

You’ll need to download the webOS Doctor software tool from the HP website. This tool will erase all data from your device and restore it to its original factory state, allowing you to start fresh with webOS. Once complete, transfer your backed-up data to your HP TouchPad, and you’ll be ready to experience webOS again. So, Let’s lets begin.

Step 1: Back It Up

Before we dive into removing Android, ensure your important stuff is safe. Back up all your photos, videos, music, and any other files you don’t want to lose to an external hard drive or cloud storage service like Google Drive. Trust us; you’ll thank yourself later.

Follow the instructions below to take a backup of your device storage properly:

  • Connect an external hard drive or use a cloud storage service
  • Select and backup all important files, such as photos, videos, and music
  • Make sure the backup is complete before moving on to the next step

Step 2: Get the WebOS Doctor

To get your HP TouchPad back to its original factory state, you’ll need the webOS Doctor software tool. This tool can be easily downloaded from the HP website for free. Follow the instructions below to learn how to get the WebOS Doctor:

  • Visit the HP website
  • Search for “WebOS Doctor.”
  • Download the WebOS Doctor software tool
How to Remove Android from HP Touchpad
  • Save the tool to your computer.

Step 3: Get Your HP TouchPad Ready

Before you run the webOS Doctor, take a moment to prepare your HP TouchPad. This means disabling any security features, such as a password or PIN, to ensure a smooth and successful process.

Follow the instructions below to prepare your HP touchpad ready:

  • Turn on your HP TouchPad
How to Remove Android from HP Touchpad
  • Go to the settings menu
  • Disable any security features such as a password or PIN
  • Make sure your HP TouchPad is fully charged

Step 4: Restore to Factory Settings

Okay, it’s time to get your HP TouchPad back to its original state with webOS! Simply run the webOS Doctor software and follow the on-screen instructions. This process will erase all data from your device and restore it to its original factory settings, ready for webOS.

If you don’t know how to restore factory settings on your TouchPad, follow the instructions below:

  • Connect your HP TouchPad to your computer
How to Remove Android from HP Touchpad
  • Run the webOS Doctor software tool
  • Follow the on-screen instructions
  • Wait for the process to complete
  • Disconnect your HP TouchPad from your computer

Step 5: Transfer Your Data

Once the webOS Doctor is done its magic, it’s time to transfer your data back to your HP TouchPad. Use the backup you created in step one to easily get your photos, videos, music, and other important files back on your device.

Follow the instructions below to transfer backed-up files on the device:

  • Connect the external hard drive or access the cloud storage service
  • Select and transfer your backed-up files
  • Wait for the transfer to complete
  • Disconnect the external hard drive or log out of the cloud storage service

Tips to Make the Process Safe and Easier

Here are some tips to make the process of removing Android from your HP TouchPad even smoother:

  • Read the instructions carefully before starting the process
  • Make sure your HP TouchPad is fully charged before beginning
  • Don’t skip the backup process! You don’t want to lose any important data
  • Follow the instructions provided in the webOS Doctor software tool carefully
  • Double-check that all your data has been transferred back to your HP TouchPad before disconnecting it from your computer
  • Store the webOS Doctor software tool in a safe place for future use


Why would I want to remove Android from my HP TouchPad?

You may want to remove Android from your HP TouchPad to restore it to its original webOS operating system. webOS is a more user-friendly and stable platform than Android, and some users prefer it over Android.

Can I remove Android from my HP TouchPad without losing my data?

Yes, you can remove Android from your HP TouchPad without losing your data by backing up your data before starting the process.

Is it difficult to remove Android from my HP TouchPad?

No, removing Android from your HP TouchPad is a straightforward process if you carefully follow the instructions in the webOS Doctor software tool.

Can I download the webOS Doctor software tool for free?

Yes, you can download the webOS Doctor software tool for free from the HP website.

What should I do if the process fails?

If the process fails, you can try restarting the process or contact HP support for assistance.


Removing Android from your HP TouchPad and switching back to webOS is a breeze with this user-friendly guide. Following the steps outlined above, you can have your HP TouchPad restored to its original factory state and ready for webOS in no time. So, say goodbye to Android and hello to webOS on your HP TouchPad!


Hi there, I'm Biajid, a devoted tech lover who specializes in tackling technical difficulties related to Android phones and operating systems. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in resolving complex issues and have become a seasoned expert in the field. I'm delighted to have you on my website, and I'm confident that the resources and solutions provided here will prove to be valuable to you

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Last Updated: May 20, 2023

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